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Modding eXoSpace Combat Engineer

Spaceship parts

Parts are defined in game_data/parts.json. The graphics for the parts are stored in game_data/parts in PNG format.


Debugging scripts

Set debug_scripts to true in game_data/settings.json and start the game from the command line. Script errors will be logged there.

Note: this will slow down the scripting a bit.

Here's am example of a scripting error:

[2024-04-19T10:56:42Z ERROR coreward::game::combat::stage] Could not run stage script: runtime error: 
[string "stage/torpedo_bombardment_frame"]:12: attempt to compare nil <= number
    stack traceback:
        [C]: in ?
        [string "stage/torpedo_bombardment_frame"]:12: in ?

This says that the script "stage/torpedo_bombardment_frame" has an error at line 12: attempt to compare nil <= number.

Copyright 2024 Bas @ Fantastimaker
eXoSpace Combat Engineer End User Licence Agreement